Windows XP Command Line Syntax

Windows XP Command Line Syntax

   Parameters    Command Line Parameters  %1  %~f1
   Variables     Create/read environment variables
   Redirection   Spooling output to a file, piping input
   AND/OR Logic  Conditional Execution (If-Then-Else)
   Loops         Loops and Subroutines
   functions     How to package blocks of code
Services     List of Windows XP Services

Evaluating expressions
   Using brackets to Group and expand expressions
   Delayed Expansion Manage <xml> and <html> text
   SET /A        Environment variable arithmetic
   VarSubstring  Extract part of a variable (substring)
   VarSearch     Search & replace part of a variable
   Escape chars, delimiters and quotes
   Wildcards     Match multiple files

Batch Files
   DateMath      Add or subtract days from any date
   GetDate.cmd   Get todays date (any region, any OS)
   GetTime.cmd   Get the time now
   GetGMT.cmd    Time adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time
   deQuote       Remove quotes from a string
   DelOlder.cmd  Delete files more than n days old
   StampMe.cmd   Rename a file with the date/time
   tdiff.cmd     Time difference in Hours/Minutes
   Which.cmd     Display full path to any command
   xlong.cmd     Find filenames that exceed the 256 char pathname limit
   DragDrop.cmd  Drag and drop onto a batch script

Reference/How to
   RUN commands   Start | Run commands
   Slow Browsing  Speed up network browsing
   Printing       Printer connections and print drivers
   Desktop Heap   Memory configuration
   Permissions    Local vs Global workgroups
   Long Filenames NTFS filename issues
   WorkGroups     Built-In Users and Security Groups
   autoexec       Run commands at startup
   Recovery       The Recovery Console
   WinXP Registry User interface settings


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